Use this post to help you navigate your way through the challenge. Take a look at the comments for each challenge, say hello to friends and strangers, follow the links and check out a vid, or a fic, or a fanmix, a podfic or some art, or create something yourself. Have fun!
Introduction Post
Meet the Mods Post
Friending Meme
RSS feed for LJ users: make sure you're logged into your LJ account. Click here; at the top of the page click Add it to your friends page and you're all done. Remember that the RSS feed is on a delay, so you won't see new posts right away.
The Fandom Snowflake Challenge Collection at AO3 is here. Any fanwork that you create for or because of the challenge can be added.
Other places you can find us:
Tumblr: snowflakechallenge where we’ll be tracking the tag snowflakechallenge2024.
Twitter: 2024snowflake where we’ll be tracking hashtag snowflakechallenge2024.
Pillowfort: Snowflake Challenge.
The Challenges
Challenge #1: – Introduce Yourself
Challenge #2: – Talk about your fannish history
Challenge #3: – Pimp Your Favorite Communities, Fests or Challenges
Challenge #4: – Set some goals for the coming year
Challenge #5: – Comment to someone you haven't ever interacted with before or introduce yourself to someone you've briefly interacted with and friend/follow them
Challenge #6: – Make a Wishlist
Challenge #7: – Promote/Rec/Sing the Praises of Yourself
伕理http – Rec at least three fanworks that you didn’t create
Challenge #9: – Promote at least one canon that you adore (old, new, forever fandom)
Challenge #10: – Talk about a creator/someone who inspired you
Challenge #11: – Recommend a fannish or creative resource
Challenge #12: – Commit an act of kindness
伕理http – Create a fanwork
Challenge #14: – Share your love for a trope, cliché, kink, motif, or theme
Challenge #15: – Create your own challenge
Dec. 31st, 2024 05:34 pm
Feb. 3rd, 2024 墙翻伕理网址
The calendar says that this year’s Fandom Snowflake Challenge is over. But, we’ve played with time before, so let's just keep going. Let’s keep checking in with each other, let’s keep inspiring each other. Let’s keep making friends and granting fandom wishes. Let’s continue finding new challenges. Or if you’re anything like me, let’s continue working on the ones put in place by the Fandom Snowflake Challenge itself. ♥
Let’s just continue to be awesome! Because, while everyone else in the world was moaning about what a long, tedious month January was, it felt the opposite here. It virtually flew by and it was fascinating and illuminating, and filled the day with new energy and vigor and, I for one, am not ready to let it go.
I am, however, ready to give a huge shout-out, thank you and You Rock to the other lovely mods who made this month so lovely and manageable: spikedluv, 伕理http, fadedwings, vaysh, 墙翻伕理网址, perspi, 墙翻伕理网址, kitty_fic, alessnox, james, summerstorm, teigh_corvus and mizface.
And now a few words from a few of them:
( Note from Muccamukk )
( Note from Alessnox )
( Note from Spikedluv )
( Note from Kitty_fic )
( Note from Vaysh )
( Note from Fadedwings )
( Note from James )
( Note from Seleneheart )
And with that, I guess I really must say goodbye. We might not be clogging up your timeline for another 11 months or so, but we’ll always be here in the comments and hopefully, in your hearts. So, feel free to stop by from time to time and tell us how it’s going.
♥ ♥ ♥
“Never give up on your dreams, and never let anyone tell you that what you love is inconsequential or useless or a waste of time. Because if you love it? If that OTP or children's card game or abridged series or YA book or animated series makes you happy?
That is never a waste of time. Because in the end we're all just a bunch of weirdos standing in front of other weirdos, asking for their username.”
― Ashley Poston, Geekerella
The calendar says that this year’s Fandom Snowflake Challenge is over. But, we’ve played with time before, so let's just keep going. Let’s keep checking in with each other, let’s keep inspiring each other. Let’s keep making friends and granting fandom wishes. Let’s continue finding new challenges. Or if you’re anything like me, let’s continue working on the ones put in place by the Fandom Snowflake Challenge itself. ♥
Let’s just continue to be awesome! Because, while everyone else in the world was moaning about what a long, tedious month January was, it felt the opposite here. It virtually flew by and it was fascinating and illuminating, and filled the day with new energy and vigor and, I for one, am not ready to let it go.
I am, however, ready to give a huge shout-out, thank you and You Rock to the other lovely mods who made this month so lovely and manageable: spikedluv, 伕理http, fadedwings, vaysh, 墙翻伕理网址, perspi, 墙翻伕理网址, kitty_fic, alessnox, james, summerstorm, teigh_corvus and mizface.
And now a few words from a few of them:
( Note from Muccamukk )
( Note from Alessnox )
( Note from Spikedluv )
( Note from Kitty_fic )
( Note from Vaysh )
( Note from Fadedwings )
( Note from James )
( Note from Seleneheart )
And with that, I guess I really must say goodbye. We might not be clogging up your timeline for another 11 months or so, but we’ll always be here in the comments and hopefully, in your hearts. So, feel free to stop by from time to time and tell us how it’s going.
♥ ♥ ♥
Jan. 伕理http, 2024 07:22 am
Introduction Post * 伕理http * Challenge #1 * 墙翻伕理网址 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * 伕理http * Challenge #7 * Challenge #8 * Challenge #9 * 伕理http * 墙翻伕理网址 * Challenge #12 * Challenge #13 * Challenge #14 * 伕理http
The post-Snowflake Friending Meme has been such a rousing success that we’ve made it a permanent fixture here at the Fandom Snowflake Challenge, so come and make some new friends!
Just copy and paste the template into a comment; include as much or as little info about yourself as you want.
[We’re using the same comment template as previous years, which was originally created by rubytuesday5681 for the the_neverenders community and adapted for use here.]
Spread the word by sharing the above banner:
( alternate banner )
The post-Snowflake Friending Meme has been such a rousing success that we’ve made it a permanent fixture here at the Fandom Snowflake Challenge, so come and make some new friends!
Just copy and paste the template into a comment; include as much or as little info about yourself as you want.
[We’re using the same comment template as previous years, which was originally created by rubytuesday5681 for the the_neverenders community and adapted for use here.]
Spread the word by sharing the above banner:
( alternate banner )
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #15
Jan. 29th, 2024 03:37 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * 墙翻伕理网址 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7 * 伕理http * Challenge #9 * Challenge #10 * Challenge #11 * Challenge #12 * Challenge #13 * Challenge #14
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #15 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #15 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Snowflake Challenge #14
Jan. 27th, 伕理http 08:28 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2: * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7 * 伕理http * Challenge #9 * Challenge #10 * Challenge #11 * Challenge #12 * Challenge #13
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #14 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #14 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #13
Jan. 25th, 2024 07:48 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2: * 伕理http * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7 * Challenge #8 * Challenge #9 * Challenge #10 * Challenge #11 * Challenge #12
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #13 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #13 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Jan. 23rd, 2024 12:09 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2: * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7 * Challenge #8 * Challenge #9 * Challenge #10 * Challenge #11
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( 伕理http )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( 伕理http )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #11
Jan. 21st, 2024 伕理http
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * 墙翻伕理网址 * Challenge #2: * 墙翻伕理网址 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7 * Challenge #8 * 墙翻伕理网址 * Challenge #10
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( 伕理http )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( 伕理http )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #10
Jan. 伕理http, 2024 伕理http
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2: * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7 * Challenge #8 * Challenge #9
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #10 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #10 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #9
Jan. 17th, 2024 03:38 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * 伕理http * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * 墙翻伕理网址 * Challenge #7 * Challenge #8
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #9 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #9 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #8
Jan. 伕理http, 2024 06:36 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2: * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #8 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2: * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #8 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Jan. 13th, 2024 12:12 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2: * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #7 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #7 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #6
Jan. 11th, 2024 08:02 pm
Apologies for the delay, I no longer know what day it is.
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #6 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #6 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #5
Jan. 9th, 2024 06:35 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2: * 伕理http *Challenge #4:
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #5 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #5 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #4
Jan. 7th, 2024 06:42 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #4 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #4 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #3
Jan. 5th, 2024 12:10 am
墙翻伕理网址 * Meet the Mods Post * 伕理http * Challenge #2
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #3 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #3 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Jan. 3rd, 2024 墙翻伕理网址
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Challenge #1
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #2 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #2 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #1
Jan. 1st, 伕理http 08:12 am
Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #1 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
( Fandom Snowflake Challenge #1 )
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
Dec. 31st, 2024 03:09 am
akamine_chan created The Fandom Snowflake Challenge back in 2012 as a way to remind herself “why I loved fandom so much”. Over the years the challenge itself has come to mean a lot to many of us, so by way of introduction some of the mods for this year have written about what snowflake_challenge means to them and why they are excited about it.
( sperrywink )
( 伕理http )
( fadedwings )
( 伕理http )
( perspi )
( 墙翻伕理网址 )
( muccamukk )
( kitty_fic )
( vaysh )
As you can see the challenge means so many things to the mods, and to everyone who has participated before, and will hopefully also be meaningful to anyone joining us for the first time this year. You’ll find us all wading through comments, welcoming everyone, answering questions, keeping the peace, so if you need anything, don't hesitate to flag one of us down.
Tomorrow starts the first of the fandom challenges, so hope you all are ready for some fun times! Feel free to do any challenge that strikes your fancy (or all of them), or leave a comment on someone else’s challenge response at anytime.
You can promote the challenge by copy-pasting the information from the textbox below:
( sperrywink )
( 伕理http )
( fadedwings )
( 伕理http )
( perspi )
( 墙翻伕理网址 )
( muccamukk )
( kitty_fic )
( vaysh )
As you can see the challenge means so many things to the mods, and to everyone who has participated before, and will hopefully also be meaningful to anyone joining us for the first time this year. You’ll find us all wading through comments, welcoming everyone, answering questions, keeping the peace, so if you need anything, don't hesitate to flag one of us down.
Tomorrow starts the first of the fandom challenges, so hope you all are ready for some fun times! Feel free to do any challenge that strikes your fancy (or all of them), or leave a comment on someone else’s challenge response at anytime.
You can promote the challenge by copy-pasting the information from the textbox below:
Dec. 30th, 2024 09:27 am
What does the Snowflake Challenge mean to me? Well, a lot of things, actually. I love seeing everyone interact in such a positive manner. I'm inspired by those who step out of their comfort zone to participate. I'm heartened to see the sheer amount of joy the challenge brings. I love watching the collaboration behind the scenes with the mods, and am honored each time I'm asked to be part of it. I cannot imagine starting my year without being involved with the Snowflake Challenge, to be honest. It gets me re-involved in fandom, right from the start of the year. It gives me a venue to meet wonderful new people and be awed by their talents. It gives me the chance to dip my toes into new fandoms, and see what they're all about. – mizface
Welcome to Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2024! The first Snowflake Challenge of the new decade!
If you’re a veteran Snowflake participant, welcome back; if this is your first year, welcome aboard! All of your mods, old and new, are excited to be bringing you a new round of challenges.
My name is seleneheart and this will be my second year as a moderator. For me, the days after the holidays are difficult because everyone leaves, back to their regular lives, and the good times we shared have ended until the next occasion. I am looking forward to the return of snowflake_challenge more than ever. Participating helps me reconnect with old friends and meet new ones, in addition to giving me a motivating kick in the pants in regard to my fannish life.
On odd-numbered days from January 1-31, we will post a fannish challenge. The first challenge will be to tell us about yourself - just a simple (or complicated) introduction so we can get to know each other. Some challenges will be no-brainers. Some will be a little more involved. Sometimes you'll post in your own journal and drop a link in the challenge post. Sometimes all you'll have to do is say, "I did it!" in the comment section of that particular day's post. By the way, you never have to unlock your posts. Just comment to let us know that you completed the day's challenge and we're good.
This is meant to be a low stress challenge, not a soul-killing endurance test. You only do the challenges you choose, the ones you feel comfortable doing. We aren't keeping track, and we aren't going to issue a failing grade if you don't complete a challenge. Of course, the goal is to stretch your limits—that's why it's called a challenge—but not to the point of breaking! We're supposed to be having fun here.
The snowflake_challenge is for everyone: all fandoms, all media, and all platforms; fandoms of one or ten thousand and one or something in between. You can be focused only on canon, or prefer alternative universes. You can ship real people, strictly fictional characters, or some combination of the two. You don't have to ship anyone at all. Fandom itself can be your fandom. We love meta about ourselves! (Who doesn’t??)
For the purposes of this challenge, a fanwork is defined as all creative endeavors for a fandom. This can be everything from meta to fic writing to picspamming to hosting a comment-ficathon to running a challenge. Yes to vidding and podficcing and reccing and pretty much anything you can think of. Do we want your crafts, your knitted Wonderwoman dolls, repurposed rubber duckies, and MCU finger puppets? Bring 'em on! Do you write promo posts for your favorites? Fantastic. Star Wars quote lists, Touhou Project wiki entries, Trek canon guides, Lost time-lines, X-Files episode recaps and/or action movie reviews? Excellent. Gifsets. Graphics. Fanart. Yes, yes and yes. Concert write-ups. Filking. Icons. Hello Kitty/Star Trek fusion tattoo designs. Yes, please. The bottom line is this: if you spent your valuable time and emotional energy creating it, it fits under the general heading of "fanwork."
Although snowflake_challenge is being hosted on DW, if you don't have an account here, please feel free to comment anonymously and sign your (fan)name. You can also sign in with OpenID, which allows you to use your LJ (and other platform) credentials to comment. We want everyone to be able to participate, regardless of where you hang your fandom hat: LJ or DW, dA or Mibba, or AO3, mailing lists or old-school BBS. If you are on Tumblr, you can add snowflakechallenge. If you're on Twitter, add 2024snowflake. For Pillowfort: Snowflake Challenge. Come one, come all to Fandom Snowflake Challenge.
Tomorrow the master post for 2024 will be sticky-posted to the top of the community to help us navigate this year's challenges.
One more thing. This challenge is about celebrating fandom itself and the awesome people in it. One way we can do that is by interacting with each other. Every time you visit the journal of a fellow participant and comment on what they're sharing, you are helping to create this community. Fandom is about love: love of books and writers, movies and actors, music and musicians, comics and their creators, etc., but it's also about being with and appreciating other fans, and letting them know they matter.
Think of 墙翻伕理网址 as a 15-day, month-long love meme to Fandom. Go forth and spread the love!
Welcome to Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2024! The first Snowflake Challenge of the new decade!
If you’re a veteran Snowflake participant, welcome back; if this is your first year, welcome aboard! All of your mods, old and new, are excited to be bringing you a new round of challenges.
My name is seleneheart and this will be my second year as a moderator. For me, the days after the holidays are difficult because everyone leaves, back to their regular lives, and the good times we shared have ended until the next occasion. I am looking forward to the return of snowflake_challenge more than ever. Participating helps me reconnect with old friends and meet new ones, in addition to giving me a motivating kick in the pants in regard to my fannish life.
On odd-numbered days from January 1-31, we will post a fannish challenge. The first challenge will be to tell us about yourself - just a simple (or complicated) introduction so we can get to know each other. Some challenges will be no-brainers. Some will be a little more involved. Sometimes you'll post in your own journal and drop a link in the challenge post. Sometimes all you'll have to do is say, "I did it!" in the comment section of that particular day's post. By the way, you never have to unlock your posts. Just comment to let us know that you completed the day's challenge and we're good.
This is meant to be a low stress challenge, not a soul-killing endurance test. You only do the challenges you choose, the ones you feel comfortable doing. We aren't keeping track, and we aren't going to issue a failing grade if you don't complete a challenge. Of course, the goal is to stretch your limits—that's why it's called a challenge—but not to the point of breaking! We're supposed to be having fun here.
The snowflake_challenge is for everyone: all fandoms, all media, and all platforms; fandoms of one or ten thousand and one or something in between. You can be focused only on canon, or prefer alternative universes. You can ship real people, strictly fictional characters, or some combination of the two. You don't have to ship anyone at all. Fandom itself can be your fandom. We love meta about ourselves! (Who doesn’t??)
For the purposes of this challenge, a fanwork is defined as all creative endeavors for a fandom. This can be everything from meta to fic writing to picspamming to hosting a comment-ficathon to running a challenge. Yes to vidding and podficcing and reccing and pretty much anything you can think of. Do we want your crafts, your knitted Wonderwoman dolls, repurposed rubber duckies, and MCU finger puppets? Bring 'em on! Do you write promo posts for your favorites? Fantastic. Star Wars quote lists, Touhou Project wiki entries, Trek canon guides, Lost time-lines, X-Files episode recaps and/or action movie reviews? Excellent. Gifsets. Graphics. Fanart. Yes, yes and yes. Concert write-ups. Filking. Icons. Hello Kitty/Star Trek fusion tattoo designs. Yes, please. The bottom line is this: if you spent your valuable time and emotional energy creating it, it fits under the general heading of "fanwork."
Although snowflake_challenge is being hosted on DW, if you don't have an account here, please feel free to comment anonymously and sign your (fan)name. You can also sign in with OpenID, which allows you to use your LJ (and other platform) credentials to comment. We want everyone to be able to participate, regardless of where you hang your fandom hat: LJ or DW, dA or Mibba, or AO3, mailing lists or old-school BBS. If you are on Tumblr, you can add snowflakechallenge. If you're on Twitter, add 2024snowflake. For Pillowfort: Snowflake Challenge. Come one, come all to Fandom Snowflake Challenge.
Tomorrow the master post for 2024 will be sticky-posted to the top of the community to help us navigate this year's challenges.
One more thing. This challenge is about celebrating fandom itself and the awesome people in it. One way we can do that is by interacting with each other. Every time you visit the journal of a fellow participant and comment on what they're sharing, you are helping to create this community. Fandom is about love: love of books and writers, movies and actors, music and musicians, comics and their creators, etc., but it's also about being with and appreciating other fans, and letting them know they matter.
Think of 墙翻伕理网址 as a 15-day, month-long love meme to Fandom. Go forth and spread the love!